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Every year, Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Pink October in French) reminds us how important it is to raise awareness and fight against breast cancer.

It is the first cause of cancer death in women, but when detected early, breast cancer is cured in 90% of cases!

Breaking taboos and informing every person around us means anticipating and detecting it in time!
Each screening is simple, 100% reimbursed in France and performed by a health professional.

Some best practices to apply according to your age (1)
You are between 25 and 49 yearsYou are between 50 and 74 yearsYou are over 74 years
A clinical examination of the breasts every year (palpation), which must be carried out by a general practitioner, gynaecologist or midwife.A screening mammogram is recommended every 2 years.The continuation of screening must be assessed individually. Ask your doctor.
A smear or HPV test is recommended every 3 or 5 years in some cases

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A gesture of solidarity to support the Breast Cancer League

At the Hotel l’Elysée Val d’Europe, we want to make a gesture for this cause and fully commit ourselves in our own way: we offer at our bar Le Diplomate a specific cocktail named “The Pink October“. This cocktail regroups original flavors to honor and support all those affected by breast cancer.

For each “The Pink October” cocktail ordered during the month of October, we donate 2€ to the Breast Cancer League to help develop research, raise awareness and have hope of reducing the number of deaths due to breast cancer.

In October, and throughout the year, together we can help change the course of this disease and bring a smile to those who struggle every day!

To learn more about breast cancer screening procedures, you can consult the official website

And don’t forget… Whether you are a man or a woman, talking about it around you saves lives!

(1) The tests depend on several factors such as your history and risk factors, each diagnosis must be made by a health professional. Ask your doctor.